Willmar Restorative Dentist

Get Your Smile Back

A cracked, damaged, or lost tooth can cause unnecessary stress and pain. At West Central Dental, we offer:

Dental Implants
Root Canals
Same-Day Emergency Appointments

The Benefits of Restorative Care

We can help you restore your smile’s natural beauty and functionality after you’ve damaged or lost a tooth. Immediate restorative treatment is critical for preventing further complications, like a cavity becoming infected, or teeth shifting due to tooth loss. Coming in right away for restorative care will relieve your pain and restore your confidence quickly.


You can trust that the results of your restorative treatment will look natural for a seamless, undetectable repair.


Restorative treatments strengthen your smile so you can bite and chew with carefree ease.

Pain-Free Treatment

We offer a variety of sedation options and use powerful numbing agents to keep patients comfortable during treatment.

You Deserve the Best

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Dental Implants

With implants, patients are able to get a beautiful replacement tooth and results that last a lifetime. A small titanium post serves as the artificial tooth root which will hold a dental crown securely in place. The titanium post and dental crown work together to provide a natural-looking replacement that fully restores functionality and prevents future damage and bone loss.

CEREC Crowns

Instead of getting a traditional crown over the course of 2-3 weeks and multiple appointments, CEREC crowns allow for patients to receive a custom, permanent crown in a matter of hours. CEREC crowns look and feel like a natural tooth and can last a lifetime with proper care. Plus, the process is streamlined using 3D digital imaging instead of messy, traditional impressions.

Have Questions?

Do You Offer Sedation?

Yes! We offer both laughing gas and oral conscious sedation. If you suffer from dental anxiety, a strong gag reflex, or you simply want to be able to relax during treatment, sedation can help. 

Laughing gas is inhaled through a mask that fits over your nose and may make you feel euphoric or giddy, though you will still be responsive during your procedure. The effects wear off quickly, making this sedative a good option for patients who need to drive themselves home or go back to work after treatment.

Oral conscious sedation is taken in pill form about an hour before your treatment. This form of sedation may cause you to fall asleep during your procedure, and since the effects do not wear off immediately, you will need to arrange a ride home from our office.

What Should I Do During a Dental Emergency?

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, come to our office for a same-day appointment! Call ahead, if you can,  so we know to expect and to give us ample time to prepare for your treatment. We define a dental emergency as any situation that is causing you pain that you can not treat yourself. This includes knocked-out teeth, loose or missing dental work, a severe toothache, and/or excessive bleeding. 

If your tooth has fallen out, gently rinse the tooth in warm water (if it is dirty) and place it back in its socket. If you are not able to place it back in the socket, put it in a baggie of milk and bring it with you to your appointment. It is important to get care within 1-2 hours for the best chance of saving your tooth. You can treat pain and swelling with over-the-counter medication and ice-packs can be applied externally to the cheek. If necessary, treat bleeding with clean cotton balls or gauze.

Composite vs. Amalgam Fillings

We offer both composite and amalgam fillings to suit any need. Both amalgam and composite fillings are used to halt and prevent tooth decay, but amalgam fillings are more likely to be covered by insurance and are generally more affordable. However, these fillings are made of metal, which means that they are not as natural-looking as composite fillings.
Composite fillings, on the other hand, are made of tooth-colored dental resin that can be matched to your tooth for a seamless look. Whether you choose composite or amalgam fillings, it is important to get a cavity treated with a filling right away to avoid future complications. During treatment, we will remove any damaged tooth material from the cavity and fill it with either composite or amalgam  to restore your tooth’s health and functionality.

What is a Root Canal?

 A root canal will relieve your discomfort and restore your smile. During your treatment, your tooth and the surrounding area will be numbed so you will not feel any pain. If you choose, we also offer sedation dentistry to ensure that you are completely relaxed and comfortable throughout the root canal process.

Sedation is a good option for those with dental anxiety or a strong gag reflex. After treatment, you might experience some minor discomfort which can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication and ice packs applied externally to the cheek. Any discomfort should subside within 48 hours. 

Overall, a root canal is a simple procedure that is very similar to getting a filling. The damaged or infected material will be removed and the empty area will be filled with a rubbery substance to provide structure and support. Finally, the restoration will be finished by placing a crown over the remaining tooth structure to protect your tooth and ensure no further damage occurs.

Crowns and Bridges

Both dental crowns and bridges are used to restore your smile. While dental crowns fit over an existing tooth structure, dental bridges are used to replace missing teeth. Dental crowns are custom-made dental prostheses that fit perfectly over a damaged tooth to protect it from further harm. Crowns are usually necessary when a tooth has been cracked, chipped, or damaged by large cavities.

Bridges are dental prostheses that consist of two dental crowns attached to two healthy teeth on either side of your missing tooth. With proper care, crowns and bridges can last around of 10-15 years. Come in for a consultation to find out which option might be best for you!

How Do I Care for My Dentures?

Dentures are simple to care for, making them a convenient restorative option. It is important to rinse your dentures after eating to make sure they stay clean and free of debris. After you remove your dentures, gently clean your gums with a soft bristled toothbrush. And be sure to brush your dentures at least once daily and soak them overnight in a denture solution to keep them pristine.

At West Central Dental, we offer both partial dentures and full-arch dentures to accommodate any restorative need. Partial dentures attach to your existing healthy teeth and support a dental crown that looks and feels just like a natural tooth. This means you’ll be able to smile, chew, and speak with confidence.

Full-arch dentures are typically only recommended for patients who have serious oral health issues, like irreversible periodontal disease or a full arch of damaged or decayed teeth. To replace the upper, lower, or both arches of teeth with dentures, all remaining teeth must be extracted. Once the teeth have been extracted and your gums and jaw have healed, a custom denture is made to fit perfectly over your gum line and replace all of your teeth. Come in for a consultation if you are missing one or more teeth to see if partial or full dentures may be a good option for you.

What is the Healing Process for Extractions?

Extractions provide relief for severely infected teeth that can not be saved with root canal therapy. During the procedure, a small incision will be made in your gums to expose the tooth and loosen it in its socket. It will be carefully removed and your gums will be sutured shut, completing the procedure. Usually, within a week of treatment, you will be completely healed. You will be prescribed any necessary pain medications to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the healing process.